Why subscribe?
I aim to inspire you with your takeaway epiphany for big ideas to break you free from commodity thinking. First level thinking. I fight with my words and fearless thinking.
About Me
You can often find me, completely surrounded by undercover Federal Agents, at my fully serviced redoubt and recreation site near Yucca, Arizona at a place called Hualapai Waystation and Recreation Site.
Desert Nomad, Wizard, COO, Polymath, Metaphysician, Maverick, Rebuffer of Power, Truth Sayer, Light Worker, Berserkergangr, Dreamwalker, Shaman, Ragnarök Reverend Rescuer, Certified First Aid, Bloodborne, Airborne Pathogens, CBRN, Wilderness Rescue, Rock Climber, Mountain Biker, Lifeguard, Rescue Diver, Web Master, Web & Application Security.

Subscribe to Ragnarök Herald
Never violent with anyone in my life, never "used" drugs, but experimented lots up through College. Hardly broken any laws, trivial stuff. Exited the system with no IRS debt. No Arrest Record, Legal Actions, or personal enemies.