Yuri Bezmenov, an alleged very high level Propaganda Director for the KGB, describes the way KGB overthrows countries around the world. You will be mind blown at how every single thing he describes is now taking place in America to the letter. He chalkboards his presentation and I diagrammed it for you using his exact words wherever possible.
Can you name the “Savior” they are using right now? Can you name the black vs. white organization they are using right now? We do have a choice but we are staring “Conquered” right in the face.
He does also give the solution, the way out! Watch the youtube to see what it is. His full hour long presentation is here.
**Updated Comments 10-12-2021: This original Tumblr post and others like it became the basis for Call of Duty: Know Your History Trailer for the Video Game Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. The Savior here I mention was obviously Trump although I didn’t want to say it. I wanted the reader to figure it out themselves.