Thursday July 25, 2013

We’ve spread War across the Earth for nearly a century for WHAT big gain? What did all those trillions of dollars, decades of time, millions of lives, tonnes of Earth resources cost in total to humanity? How much better off is the planet we all share? We have more “terrorists” and Weapons of Mass Destruction than we’ve ever had. By orders of magnitude.
We’ve legally isolated Monsanto so it can spread it’s genetics across the globe without the world’s consent, changing the very nature of our existence. We’ve poisoned our water, irradiated the land, and we’re seeing massive climate change.
We got the world to run on the US Dollar controlled by The Federal Reserve but we do not control the Federal Reserve. It is a private entity. No Nation can control it, but it controls all Nations, able to send them to ruin.
A $16 Trillion National Debt works out to be around $60k for every living person in the US regardless if they can work or not; Man, Woman, and child. It is owed from the “public” however the distribution works out. Big companies making billions pay virtually nothing and are often credited. The National Debt continues to outpace earnings, the taxes you pay only keep the US afloat, barely.
All this and all I got was slick TV shows, shopping malls, and tech gadgets that don’t even work all the time.
I want a fucking refund.