Revelation 7:3
or Hitchhiker’s Guide to Galaxy Travel, either way…
"I, the naturally created being known by my peers as <nickname> do hereby dissolve the legal personage "YOUR FULL LEGAL NAME". I declare myself to be a Universal Sovereign Being under the Universal Law of Cause and Effect."
Write it in cursive, MARK it.
It should be understood to write your legal name as it appears on your Birth Certificate. In order for the rest of the Hitchhiker's to recognize your bond, the Mark, Seal, Sigil, must be kept on you or temp written on your body. The REAL Ledger requires a Sigil, get it?
It has to be 80% your design, which is why they all look so childish. If you knew your personal colors, that would nearly be 80% right there. Do not do anything with this Mark or Stamp, even. Do not register, Patent, TM, Vatican turn-in.
Keep it for whatever is next.
As you can make biologically enhancing ionic silver with some rocks and a lightning storm, you can make your sigil carving out of wood if you really have to or just want to. A permanent marking is considered "your body" and thus NOT a mark. Temporarily marking yourself would be analogous to you being stranded at sea and see a Helicopter that sees you.
Of course by now you're all smiling because you could put that Sigil on a ring, couldn't you?
One of the old Irish Clare Family Motto's in English is "Make No Ill Wish". So be very careful what you enjoin. For instance, the Lion in a Crest, denotes eating of one's insufficient children, as the Natural Lion does. Destined to be eaten away. Careful what you wish for!