Saturday November 09, 2013
The only way in which a human being can make some approach to knowing the whole of a subject, is by hearing what can be said about it by persons of every variety of opinion, and studying all modes in which it can be looked at by every character of mind. No wise man ever acquired his wisdom in any mode but this; nor is it in the nature of human intellect to become wise in any other manner. — <p>John Stuart Mill (via <a class="tumblr_blog" href="" target="_blank">liberatingreality</a>)</p> <p>Let’s take this one step more. The more the opinion diverges from your own, the more you will understand - on any topic. For example: I’m gong to repeat the same information sentence over and over, tell me what you learned? No, you’ll learn nothing. </p> <p>However, if I tell you something completely different you’ll learn your own feelings when you argue with me. You’ll better be able to express the thing that really bothers you. Everyone really knows that.</p> <p>Now let’s take a more contentious example: traditional extremist terrorism.</p> <p>One person’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. The only way to tell them apart really is a worldview + personal knowledge. Sadly, oftentimes which worldview a person subscribes to on TV/Movies/Nets or Ancient Holy Book determines which you’ll kill and which you’ll pin a medal on. How many get their worldview from Jon Stewart? It’s higher than you think, trust me.</p> <p>Can the Bible tell you that Ahmed the Muslim, specifically, needs to die? No. Can 20/20 give you true conviction…about anything ? Can we just stop that? That is no path for justice and killing from TV and Old Books. Killing is PERSONAL, it should <em>always</em> BE PERSONAL.</p> <p>ALL Ancient Religious texts on Earth were written by humans, for humans, in a human world.</p> <p>None of them contain divinity (only reference it, did you glow when you touched it?), can give a person divinity in his life (only after you’re dead), impart divinity upon reading it (you just get knowledge), or have any direct spiritual interaction with a reader whatsoever.</p> <p>All-in-all it’s a book that tries to direct your behavior here on Earth. It doesn’t care for anything else. There was nothing before you and there is no chapter on what to DO in Heaven. There is no chapter on how to take care of Heaven, on how to continue to progress the divine, yourself, or the cosmos, or sprit, or humans, or…anything at all.</p> <p>The afterlife (of the Torah, Koran, Bible) you are working toward (e.g. Heaven) is nearly bereft of anything valuable (IMHO) except for the fact you get to be immortal. Sounds really boring. I really, truly, honestly mean that. In fact, after a couple thousands years from now it might become torture.</p> <p>Yeah so, the more I’ve been thinking about this topic over the past year, the more I say that it’s just ignorant murder when you kill people blindly from what others tell you. You want to take life; you get personal if you want to remain good, sleep at night.</p> <p>The fact that we raised a National Army for Defense when there was none before (You didn’t know the US didn’t always have a Standing Army?) makes me as scared as Eisenhower was when he left Office. It seems to me the risk vs. reward with ultra National Militaries is really fucking bad.</p> <p>You need to be abso-fucking-lutely sure this person needs to die right? They could tell you anything, but you took the soul bite in the killing. Sounds like the contract killer is the one who paid the piper doesn’t it? The guy that gave him intel didn’t incur the “penalty”. He got you to take it for him.</p> <p>How can you be sure you’re killing the right one: Freedom Fighter or Terrorist? The ONLY WAY is to understand their perspective, understand the world, and really… you need to be in their personal space to really understand a person. No shit?</p> <p>Are some people ignorant about the world and the people they kill.</p> <p>Repeat after me:</p> <p><strong>I hereby dissolve all bonds of dogma, duty, ideologies, and religions that call upon me to name an entire group of people; free kills.</strong></p> <p>It’s all in the details, intentions, and acts of that person. For instance a loving, caring, person who does good for your community, cares for family, promotes knowledge, and works to better others. Let’s imagine that person takes up arms IN DEFENSE. Can we immediately label that person a “Terrorist”? A gun nut? Cleary we cannot.</p> <p>Sooooo, many Police and Military kill people they have no personal information about, no gut instinct about, no direct knowledge.</p> <p>Furthermore, the person is labeled something non-humane to make it easier to take away everything they ever had and all they’re gonna have. They are a "resource", “asset”, “insurgent”, "target", "poi", that must be “destroyed”, “depopulated”, “down”, “combat ineffective”. It’s laughable.</p> <p>Lotta killing on “word of mouth” then huh? How many times do you kill where it just felt wrong before you question things?</p> <p>Without true and just vigor filling you with righteous determination to kill, imprison, maim, or violate others like yourself, you’ll lose your humanity.</p> <p>It’s simple that if you trivially or unjustly take many lives, yours will diminish? I’ve seen it in people and maybe you have to? I don’t like to be around them.</p> <p>When do you question the validity of your intel? Are you allowed to? If not, how long have you been a contract killer and how many innocent people are in your nightmares at night. I knew a Sniper in college. The year I knew him he got 4 hours of sleep a night max and would see heads exploding over and over in his nightmares. He took a lot of meds to keep it under control. He eventually dropped out. </p> <p>I’ll tell all your video gamers a secret. No one really wants to hang out with the snipers. Not many with a tour under the belt put in for sniper recon. Want to know why, ask one of them. You won’t truly understand in writing, you need to see the eyes.</p> <p>Good negotiators and International Diplomacy both seek to minimize fear enough to engage in dialogue. Any entity that seeks no understanding, empathy, communications, or evaporation of fear is perpetuating enemies and thus are working against us. Any entity that is has a single or even dual modality is working against us. There are endless modes of being, and endless types of relationships/politics/mutualism in a system. </p> <p>Picking one or two tracts is called forcing options. Kinda like only Republicans or Democrats run our Government. It’s dumb.</p> <p>There is really no other human priority than uniting Earth. This priority is OBVIOUSLY above National priority, right? RIGHT? It’s really that simple ideologically and this is the hardest part. Indeed once the Earth has made the decision to stop killing each other over what they believe, it’s only a matter of process. Uniting us in a peaceful process we have knowledge and influence over unlike proponents of the New World Order.</p> <p>Humans fear the unknown, then later isolate themselves from it to protect the worldview that serves them. If you never understand, communicate, or listen to an enemy - they’ll always be your enemy. Knowing this, that is the best way to keep the enemy. No interaction other than force.</p> <p>Many people make a living doing the above, being stupid, closed minded and violent, thus eventually becoming stupid and violent people.</p> <p>Those with ready access to lethal deadly force SHOUD be the highest practitioners of communication, assessment, patience, and calmness and take life only when absolutely necessary for the greater common natural good when a clear and present danger was presented to them.</p> <p>This really takes a hardy sturdy individual. Maybe some aren’t cut out for it?</p> <p>To those who knowingly play in the dark with greed, vanity, power, and lethal force…what comes around…goes around. You’ll have enemies everywhere, just waiting to take you out when you least expect it.</p> <p>I'll have friends and laughs.</p>