Saturday November 02, 2013

Greed, Jealousy, and Enmity are the enemies of your body, your soul.
You on your very best day in your life…what caused it? You felt more capable than usual that day, why? You could perceive more too, did you look? We have unlimited possibilities. Whatever a human can imagine in totality can be created. What an amazing “power”!
Just imagine if the Earth were in harmony what we could do: Russia, USA, Japan, China, Israel, UK, together. What we could achieve! That is what really drives me. The potential we are wasting as a species. This beautiful planet and we constantly create beauty amidst all this muck. Constantly!
Space Travel, Time Travel, DNA, Origins, Undiscovered Energy Forms, Distant Planets. Each of these things begs the human race to pursue them, together.
Open the mysterious gifts the universe has given everyone in it. Can you achieve more than taming the mysterious of the Universe? I think not. Why let National disputes get in the way? On my scale of thinking that would be like not going on a road trip because you can’t stand the gas stations. Get the fuck over it, we have success to meet and dreams to achieve.
Why not set your sights on a *real* goal that CAN change the game? Stop thinking small. Think big. It might change your game. You know once your perspective changes, you literally aren’t thinking the same anymore. It becomes hard to get your head around how you thought that same ignorant thing before. That happens whenever you get an enlightenment, or ah-hah! moment. So, stop the old thinking.
These real and possible achievements beg the human race to shoot for more. We are more than what we do now. We must unite against our common enemy.
“The Right Stuff" is one of my all time favorite movies; Human determination, innovation, genius. Sadly, one I can’t bear to watch lately lest my cynicism ruins it.
It is never, ever…ever too late. In fact, the worst it gets the more motivation and ..reward.. you will have because your options dwindle eventually forcing the same action you would have done anyway.
We are all just people. Almost everything is a people problem. We are ALL people on the SAME piece of dirt with dirt rules. Any ideologies we create; Religions, Nations, Money, Laws, Justice…these are merely ideas people use. Change the ideas, change the people, change the system.
Any ideas inherited that work on a presumption of evil, that humans are bad, inherently greedy, we need competitions were we fuck each other over to succeed, need our life control taken away for our betterment, that we’re prone to self destruction blah blah blah are just things that bad people want you to think about yourself.
Isn’t that SO obvious by now? Soylent Green for the Mind.