Monday June 10, 2013
Once again we see that our Military is the tip of the spear in the guerilla information war.
Billions around the world are accessing these articles from the Guardian about the state of our American Republic. They are learning that our Surveillance State is, well to quote the NSA Crypto-Mathematician that designed the system and is now a whistleblower:
This is something the KGB, the Stazi, or the Gestapo would have loved to have had about their populations.
Yet the Air Force Servicemen and Women (Nukes, Drones) are not allowed to have this information. They are the ones kept in the dark. The very ones who need it most. Our sons, daughters, fathers, kept ignorant.
Our own Military are part of a targeted Psychological Operation, the oldest form of Warfare known to human kind. The first one to master before Juijitsu, before the knife.
Old School Army Ranger poster
Our Military is the finest in the world because they are a total combat SYSTEM capable of operating in any theater, in any situation, anywhere in the world. This combined with killer instinct. A hesitant man with all the best gear in the world will not kill a determined Marine, Seal, Ranger with merely his hands. Everything requires the mind.
I will humbly attempt to update the Rifleman’s Creed for the 21st Century inspired by a quote from Legendary Sniper Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock. The man that made the “through the scope” shot. Who had teams of counter snipers trying to kill him in Vietnam.
He measured progress to targets in terms of days and inches.
“It takes an awareness of the environment and total concentration at the moment you fire the shot […] Then, at the last millisecond, if you will, you have to develop total concentration.“ - Carlos Hathcock
My rifle, without my killer instinct, is useless. Without my killer instinct, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must focus my mind quicker than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will.
The strong minds of our American Military are the only things that may keep us from the bottom of the abyss.
“The rules are drawn up by lawyers who are trying to protect the admirals and generals from the politicians; they’re not written by people who are worried about the guys on the ground getting shot.” - Chris Kyle
Know your Global Information War Environment. Know Information War Methods, Techniques, so you can recognize their use. Then you can develop the most important defense to your primary weapon system.
Defend your own Psychology.
Reduce your Psychogical Attack Profile