Monday June 03, 2013

Please all of you, do not be afraid of your government, of the police. There is strength in numbers. Please, do not fear the truth. The truth will set you free. Please, do not seek comfort, ego, and resources above making the world a better place. A better world improves all three at the same time. Please, do not hate. Hate ruins yourself, limits your own opportunities, and destroys the environment you eat in.
Realize that at the very highest levels government is coerced by those who are anything but inept. They plan in hundred year segments. The ineptitude is a cover, the blame game an exit strategy.
“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”
We are past the point of scandals and firings. There are criminals in the guise of representatives and protectors that use your goodwill, trust, and hope against you.
We must send them to jail or be willing to hang them if found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity or high treason against the United States of America. They have only gotten bolder the more you let them get away with.
The information is so easily accessible as Aaron Schwartz, the founder of Reddit, came to see. That is why the internet, free speech, and the free press are all under attack. The next generation will not have access to what I post if you do not take decisive action.
The rest of the world is taking action, why not you America?
What is it going to take to get you angry at what has been done to you?
Eric Holder owns one of the busiest abortion clinics in Atlanta, killing many Black babies.
Eric Holder, dio armas para el cártel de Sinaloa lo que les permite matar a ciudadanos, Policía Federal Preventiva, y la causa de más guerras de las drogas a los costes de México, los niños de todas partes, y en beneficio de la CIA.
He was directly responsible for the death of ATF Agents and US Border Patrol. He is a criminal guilty of murder, sedition, and treason.
Demand a real investigation be done so he can be properly put in jail. Investigate himself? You cannot possibly think that he was able to do this without higher powers.