I was protected on my Birthday from all attack so they did it as soon as possible, the next day March 5 while I was at Hualapai Waystation & Recreation Site. I had eye pains, jugular pain, and 112BPM heart rate, 92% SpO2 (regularly 98-100%), 8 hours later.
I immediately put a gas mask, PPE, on myself and my beloved and we evacuated in 15 minutes.
Totally recovered, hardly bothered me, I tell you what I took down below.

Maybe it was nanotech because I did not see any spray. However, the eye pain was quite abnormal and alarming. Seems it was genetically targeted to me or perhaps it was an energy weapon.
Either way I shrugged it off as always. I cured myself with Borate Pentahydrate, Baking Soda, and Clove Oil.